Saturday, September 20, 2008

Question 3

Assume you are going out to lunch with some close friends. This group of friends meet every Friday at the same time as part of a weekly tradition. There are four people in the group and each week a different person gets to choose where you go. For the most part the variety and quality of the chosen eating establishments keeps things fresh and enjoyable. However, every fourth week one member of the group, Steve, insists on going to Subway. Unwilling to try anything new, Subway Steve is completely unbending on this issue. His love for the long sandwich is only matched by your hatred of it. And as much as you’d like to miss Steve’s Friday you can’t because the group is governed by a few strict and unbending rules. If you don’t join them on Subway day AND eat a sub you will be permanently excluded from the group and you will lose these friends forever. There is no explanation for the rigidity of the rules. That’s just the way it is.

On Steve’s next Friday, with dread in your heart, you meet your friends at the local Subway. But this day is different. As the Subway sandwich artist completes your order and hands you your twelve inch meal you turn around and see a lone women enter the establishment and at that moment you are endowed, from some unknown source, with the certain knowledge that if you will but unwrap your sandwich, approach the woman, and then deliver the most vicious sandwich beating that your muscles can muster, you will magically develop a sincere and lasting affinity for sandwiches. You will no longer dread, but rather, look forward with fondness to Subway day. She will collapse and shriek with terror as you deliver blow after fresh baked blow. In the end the physical damage done to the victim will be minimal as the weapon was only a sandwich. However, the emotional damage will be significant and acute as this woman has never been beaten with a foot long sub in her life and will never receive any explanation as to why she received one that day. And that is the catch. You can never tell a soul why you attacked that poor woman that day. If you attempt to explain yourself to anyone, especially the victim, your new found love for the sandwich will be replaced by a bitter hatred even more powerful than before. Your friends who were shocked by your behavior will have to settle for the explanation, “I just felt like beating someone with a sandwich.”

Question: Do you continue to suffer every fourth Friday, or do you beat an innocent stranger with a sandwich?


Anonymous said...

I love this blog! So much cheaper than drugs!

theriddle said...

now I get why you beat me with the sandwich. I smelled like mustard for weeks. You sold out for subway.Are you sleeping with Jared.

The McKell Spot said...

mmmmm JARED! Being a fan of the sub and not a fan of RAV (random acts of violence) I would have to go with enduring the "Way" as I call it. Poor woman...poor poor woman.

Salt H2O said...

I'd probably realize that all of that oil and vinegar must have affected my brain and for the sake of all humanity, drop out of the lunch group.

When you're ridiculously popular you can afford to blow off life long friends in the name of a sandwhich.

Randy said...

I thought the question was going to be "What sandwich would you order?"

Christie said...

I think in a case like this you have to go with the beating. Do it, get it over with, and run like hell. Assault and battery with a sandwich is still assault and battery. I doubt any judge will quite understand your plight. Those nice people in the white coats might though.

Marie said...


HaLaine said...

You need to be famous. Teaching is just not going to cut it for someone of your wit and imagination.

Jen said...

Why don't you just beat Subway Steve with the sandwich? He diserves it anyway. Maybe he will get the hint.

Bringhursts said...

I don't even have words right now.

Babe in Boysland said...

Is it a traditional sub, tuna, or meatball? Cause if it's meatball it would be much more traumatic.

Lieutenant Warp said...

Bludgeoning some poor unsuspecting woman with your lunch (cathartic and amusing as it may be) is still illegal. Even though the law is blind, it would still see this as wrong. I’m not entirely sure enjoying your lunch once a month is worth risking your freedom or pricey litigation.

Instead, you should vent your angst through some artistic outlet. I recommend coloring...

Grant and Stacy said...

So THIS is why you're in jail! I was wondering.

JEM said...

Inexplicably, I really want a Subway sandwich for lunch now.