Sunday, December 2, 2012

Oscar Turns 4

Number 3 of 4 (who we also call Oscar) turned 4 this past week. As excited as I am to see him grow, I will really miss my little boy. Here are some excerpts from recent conversations with Oscar.

A week before Oscars 4th birthday.
OSCAR: Dad, when I'm foe I'll be able to say my ah's.

While on a walk outside.
OSCAR: Hey look. That's cat's gay. (He points to a gray cat.)
MOM: (confused) What?
OSCAR: That cat. It's not back. It's gay.
(He can't say his L's either.)

I recently took Oscar on a guys night out.
OSCAR: What's that red light up there?  (He pointed at the blinking red light on my dash that is part of the burglar alarm I've never used.)
ME: That's for the car alarm.
OSCAR: What's the alarm?
ME: It's to keep bad guys from breaking into my car and stealing it.
OSCAR: If a bad guy breaks in here, I'll just kick him in the face.

Shopping with his mom.
(Kathryn, Oscar's mom, was holding a twenty dollar bill Oscar had received from his grandmother for his birthday)
OSCAR: Mom, can I see my money?
(To be tricky Kathryn handed him a five dollar bill.)
OSCAR: Wait a second. This isn't my money. My money had different hair.

In his bedroom with his older brother, Cash.
OSCAR: Cash, you're the best brother nobody could ever have.
(Compliment OR Backhanded insult? You decide.) 

Right before bed.
OSCAR: Mom, sometimes I stick my hands down my pants and go, "Honk, Honk!"


Melissa said...

Ahhh, the old "honk honk."

It takes on a whole new meaning now.

I'm glad you're back.

Jules said...


my son's turning 7 on Saturday. I love the stuff he comes out with, too. I wish I would remember them long enough to blog it like you have.

Babe in Boysland said...

I hope he doesn't learn to say his "ah's" for at least another year, cause that's just freaking hilarious AND adorable. Don't teach him yet.

Oh, the awesomeness of the honk honk. I was so jealous as a tiny child that my brothers could stand to pee, that I'd either plank the toilet to pee just to avoid sitting, or put half an easter egg in my pants and tell my mom I was a boy.

The UnMighty said...

Babe, 2 things;
1)the Easter egg thing is pretty weird, and that's why I'm glad you mentioned it here.
2)How do I get an invite to see your blog?

skcoe said...

Babe. We have been best friends for 27 million years and you have NEVER disclosed the easter egg story.

Probably with good reason. I'm never going to look at you the same again.

And UnMighty: She doesn't blog anymore. She's had too many children and doesn't know what to do.